Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Simplicity 1609 Jiffy dress - version 2

This is the second Jiffy dress that I've made.

I chose a light red cotton with white polka dots.  The pattern has the front of the dress in two pieces with a seam down the front but I just made it in one piece.  The facings are fiddly and a pain in the bum to iron down flat but do sit nicely in the end.

The dress was quite plain though and I wanted to make it a bit fancier.  I found this crochet cotton at the dollar shop (although it cost $3) and I love a crochet collar.  I'm not a huge fan of a Peter Pan Collar though, so I hunted around until I found a simple pattern I could adjust for my dress.

I measured the neckline edge of the dress and then crocheted a foundation chain about 5cm shorter - I tried to get an odd number of scallops so I could centre it on the dress easily.  Once I'd gotten the collar about the size I wanted, I blocked it to fit perfectly.

I gently washed the completed collar and then pinned it to shape on a foam mat and left it to dry.  This was the most time consuming part - so many pins!

Once it was dry, I hand stitched it to the dress - I wanted it to be removable if necessary and I wasn't sure how it would wash.  It actually is fine, I just iron the dress then steam the collar into shape.

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